Our Curriculum is planned by qualified Teachers and they work in partnership with highly qualified Teaching Assistants to deliver innovative and exciting learning opportunities for all the children.
The curriculum at Woodfield Nursery School enables children to learn across the seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Practitioners at our school feel privileged to be able to work within the early years and believe that all children have a right to the very best learning opportunities regardless of their starting points.
We use core books as our starting stimuli and plan our indoor and outdoor enhanced provision as team. This allows us to share ideas generated from the text but also our children's current interests. Communication and language is central to our curriculum at Woodfield as children start our School with a wide range of abilities. We identify and teach key vocabulary linked to our core books but are also aware of key vocabulary within each area of provision and teach and model that within our daily interactions.
We have created a whole school, core book spine so our children have a planned exposure to a range of texts as they journey through school.
Click the link below to see our core book spine
The documents below show the knowledge and skills that we teach throughout the year. We know that children all progress at different rates, and staff are skilled at putting the right support support in to help children aim for and achieve our ambitious expectations.
Our destination is the same, the journey we take to get there will be different!
Our Long term plans and Medium Term Plans, developed using our Core Books, feed into our short term, weekly planning to meet the individual learning needs and interests of different children.
In addition to our Long term plans, staff have created a planned progression/long term plan in all areas of learning. This allows us to really support children from their unique starting points whilst having high expectations. Our Maths long term plan below serves as an example of this.
At Woodfield, we are lucky enough to be able to enhance our curriculum with forest school. With our fantastic grounds, children are able to explore and learn in their key groups, led by our forest school practitioner Catherine.
We also work with the Kanga team to provide weekly PE sessions across school. These are focused on the fundamental skills.
Indoor Provision 2024