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Nursery School

Helping Every Star to Shine




Nursery School

Helping Every Star to Shine

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Key Person


A member of staff will be named as your child’s key person; they will have the most contact with you and your child and will work in partnership with you to secure your child’s well-being and involvement.


They will visit you and your child at home and get to know you so that there is a familiar face at nursery when you start. They will work with you to help your child to settle in and become a confident learner.


A partnership with parents


"Parents told me that their children even want to come to school at the weekend." ( Ofsted March 2018)


"Every child has a designated key person who has a detailed overview of how they are doing. Children spend time with their key person in a small group each day and she is the first point of contact for their parents. This arrangement operates successfully in the nursery and is valued by the parents and children."  Ofsted March 2013


We believe that parents are the child’s first and most enduring educators and that when parents and the nursery school work together the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.


Your key person will learn about the interests of your child and through these planned learning activities will help them develop and make progress. Over the time spent in nursery you will have opportunities to discuss your child’s progress and to share what happens at home.


A record of your child’s learning and achievements will be kept and shared with you. Children’s involvement in the activities throughout the year will be shown on displays and in other ways. We will be seeking your views regularly about many issues.


At the end of the year you will receive a report of your child’s progress, and a copy will be sent to the appropriate Primary School.
